
SPITI UNITED believes in building modern day, contemporary competitive products that help one redefine user’s life by providing life changing travel experience to the vast spread travel and adventure community around the world. We wish to collaborate and combine the small and large scale travel institutions to celebrate life changing products to the explorers looking for a destination where they feel at home. Our contention is that travel is the most efficient method in this world to establish world peace and harmony within different religions, believes and ethnic identities of this globe. We at Spiti united are stupid enough to think that we can change the world. The Himalayas have inspired this same vision of the most celebrated personalities like Steve jobs, the Beatles and Mark Zuckerberg. These eminent success stories were a result of their spiritually inspiring travel experiences in different parts of the Himalayas. Spiti united products will ensure similar platforms for travelers to reach their inner soul and encourage the change they believe in. Spiti united will be most instrumental to touch the hearts of thousands of people to make this world a better place. We believe that the world today world is a disturbed place that has lost its human path in the lust of power, battling terrorism and a propaganda that promotes inequality and absolute authority. Spiti united is the answer to all these devils that haunt our day to day world and promotes violence and unrest. We are confident our vision will develop a modern age Tribe to make this world a better place based compassion and mutual respect.

The religion of travel is our ethos, and that is the only religion we follow at Spiti united through exploration process. We discover the simplest things of life and promote kindness; care and love that glue people and nature together. Our philosophy revolves around the teaching of Buddha who respected natural world before humans and we constantly follow his path of respecting life in all forms. Spitians have followed life based on sustainable living that is environment friendly. Conservation is our lifestyle and not an agenda to seek attention or recognition. Our different travel products connect people to nature in the breathtaking Trans Himalayan landscape. This bond does not happen through social media in a digital format on superficial levels. We believe people have disconnected from the communities around the world by connecting almost only through internet world. Spiti united connects people from different countries to discuss and share a real human space and not through digital discourse which is judgmental, based on perceptions and not reality. The products catered under Spiti united brand sets up a platform for travelers to make this utopian philosophy through realistic organic experience. It is user-friendly and user defined platform that makes the user contribute towards this vision by getting involved to join this mission in real time while using our products.
“No matter where you were born, what job you do, and the god you follow – we all are travelers and will travel all our life to be a better version of ourselves to make this world a better place”

India is significantly marching towards a start up nation. Building companies involved in manufacturing, services, health, technology, solutions is young Indias dream. Today Students depend more on practical problem solving methods and hands on experience that gives them enough exposure to build their own future and dreams. Formal education seems to have taken back seat in this constantly changing market in the age social media. Our perseverance is to build a progressive industry that brings remote corners of India in tune with the metro cities to establish democratic equality. Skill development and talent promotion of Spiti community is of most importance to reach this goal.

The Reformers desires to make a change in how Spiti has been working till now, our thinking is that classification of isolated communities should not be of rural or urban. It should be treated accordingly to its specialty and uniqueness. Like any other districts and states in India, Spiti should also be built on skill development, opportunities and entrepreneurship attitude that the government is promoting for the educated and privileged youth in India. The new age India is changing and youth from these ignored corners need to have a sense of identity to their own land, not only of culture and ethnicity but also of a lucrative developing module which empowers them financially as well as socially. Providing them with equal opportunities to design and run their own products in the valley will control the migration that happens from rural to urban India. These exclusive products will further build up into brands, making Spiti into more lucrative asset for the nation to be economically and politically relevant on a global platform.

Spiti united is not just a brand, its long term revolutionary vision which stands as a promise to the future generation. Spiti united stands for solutions that youth are and will be facing with the radical changing socio –economical pressures of India. An incubator backed by efficient think tank at The reformers produces trendy contemporary business modules that make them insurgents in the stagnant, non progressive world they live in. Our different products run by Spiti united brand has changed their employee mindset into self motivated entrepreneur’s attitude. To restore the rich Buddhist culture and to conserve its indefinable natural beauty the people should not be forgotten, at the end the people who can live a healthy life by foreseeing wealthy secured future will be the ultimate protectors of the few astonishing environmental heritage of India. Spiti united assures to establish balance for a sustainable development based growth.

Spiti united is well established brand representing the youngest and most energetic future generation of the Spiti valley, it is not a mainstream company – It is an incubator working constantly towards materializing the youth power into financially lucrative products. Identifying their skills and training them up to industry standards for further large scale expansion helps Spiti united to accommodate more young energy to get them paid as good as metro cities.

“Spiti united is a brand built in the Himalayas, for the Himalayas and its inhabitants, by the youngest dreamers from one of the most spiritual places on this planet” – THE SPITI VALLEY!!